lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012


Video and activities

Watch the video about houses of the future. There are follow up activities and a worksheet.
Useful trigger to exploit future tenses.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

Past Tenses

Try these games to teach and practise  Simple Past Tense.
Negative and affirmative forms


  One-to-one activities.

martes, 26 de junio de 2012

Creative Writing- Your Story

Discuss the pictures to brainstorm ideas about different narrative lines.
Explore the music as well. Let the students say what the sounds move inside them
Then, they write stories giving different meanings to each element.
Guide them as regards the number of words, structures, vocabulary
and linking words  you want them to use.

Comparing and Contrasting JOBS

Open the link to discuss the different jobs in the pictures.

Students can describe:

  • main characteristics of the job
  • qualifications needed
  • abilities
  • personalities
Then, they can compare and contrast two or more jobs and say which one they would or would not choose and why.
Finally, they write a connected paragraph ( or essay) about the jobs.

lunes, 25 de junio de 2012


Use this presentation to teach animals. I suggest using the screen shade tool in slides 7, 8 and  9 so the students can guess the name while you uncover the animal.
The pictures are also useful to practise abilities

What animal can hop?
What can a platypus do?

or habitual actions

What do elephants eat?

Students can write a report about one of the animals and much more.

Download presentation

sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

What would have happened if....?

So many things that happened in life is a result of an infinite chain of perfect coincidences, which very often make us think if only a small part of the past had been different, everything in the present would not be the same. 
Daisy, who devoted her life into dancing, was hit by a taxi. Watch the scene, speculate and say what would have happened if one single detail had been different.

lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

Mr Bean at Buckingham Palace

Watch Mr Bean and order the sentences below to retell the story.

___A mouse jumped out of a box.

___Mr Bean was alone in the basement.

___The dog found the ladder.

___Mr Bean looked through the picture.

___The Queen gave a Royal mug to Mr Bean.

___Mr Bean went up the ladder.

___The dog licked the Queen´s face.

___The dog jumped over Mr Bean.

___Mr Bean was made Sir Bean.

___The Queen lifted the dog.

___Mr Bean bowed in front of the Queen.

___Mr Bean and the dog fell to the floor.

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Let´s Talk

Use the prompts to trigger pair-work conversations. 
Choose the slides which are suitable for your class. 

Picture Storytelling

Discuss the pictures to build up ideas to write a story story.
Guide the students as regards the number of words, connectors
and vocabulary they are expected to use

Download presentation

Numbers and Letters- A Song

Use the first slide to pre-teach vocabulary. Then, listen, complete and sing!

What can they do?

Watch the video and say who can do these actions : Bolt or Penny ?
Download worksheet

1. Grab a car with the teeth

2. Run faster than cars

3. Ride a scooter

4. Move faster than the cars in the Los Angeles traffic

5. Break through walls

6. Jump very far

7. Destroy machines with the eyes

8. Destroy anything with a super bark

9. Speak English

martes, 24 de abril de 2012

Daily Routines

Watch the video and order the routines

_____Brush your hair
_____Eat breakfast       
_____Brush your teeth
_____Go home
_____Go to the bathroom

_____Wash your face
_____Make your bed
_____Go to school
_____Go to bed
_____Get dressed
_____Take a bath

_____Wake up
_____Take a shower
_____Eat lunch
_____Do homework
_____Dry your hair
_____Eat dinner